Sig navnet.. kan du huske dine reklame-slogans? En quiz for firma-slogan-kendere! Fremgangsmåde. Du skal finde fx ti slogans fra forskellige reklamer. Deltagerne skal nu gætte hvilken vare/virksomhed, der reklameres for. Det hold/den deltager med flest rigtige svar vinder. Du skal naturligvis lave spørgsmål ud fra aktuelle reklamer.


Slogan Quiz This slogan quiz tests your knowledge of popular advertising and marketing catch phrases used by restaurants, clothing manufacturers, businesses and more. If you think that all of the hours of television watching or radio listening you've done over the years hasn't stuck with you, guess again.

We try harder. The quicker picker-upper. A Diamond is Forever. He keeps going and going and going. We bring good things to life. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.

Slogan quiz

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Drive." är bilslogans som du säkert känner igen. Men för vilka märken? Testa i vår kluriga quiz om du har koll på bilmärkenas slogans. Vilket företag gör reklam på TV med denna låt? Svar: Nissan. DEL 2 – Reklamslogans. Vad har de här företagen för slogans?

Gör er plikt på valdagen! Han vet vad valet gäller. Vi kvinnor får bära bördan. Skydda oss och våra barn. Det är några exempel på slogans på de 

Here are 10 memorable movie taglines – but do you know which films they were used to promote? Tue 8 Jul  18 Sep 2018 You deserve a break today… so take a quiz!

Slogan quiz

Slogan Quiz. Slogan. Clue. Answer. 1 Should have gone to…. Eyewear. 2 It Gives you Wings. A drink. 3 Snap! Crackle! Pop! Breakfast. 4 I'm Loving It. Food.

Slogan quiz

Vilken slogan  Svar på Vänsterpartiets Pride-quiz Nedan följer svaren på Vänsterpartiets quiz på Pride! Vänsterpartiets slogan valåret 2014 är: 1. Inte till  april 24, Vilken av följande onlinetjänster använder slogan "Broacast Yourself?" april 25, Elektroniskt datautbyte (EDI) används ofta i vilken bransch? april 26  Vilket företag har Livet har sina goda stunder som slogan?

Slogan quiz

10 Jul 2014 Match these famous slogans with their brands. Which company used the slogan 'Where's the beef?' Take our 'business slogan' quiz. There is power in right words.
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Sedan 2002 har ESC varje år en slogan.

These slogans are often seen on the product, and in ad campaigns featuring celebrities and mascots often saying the catchy phrase in the hopes that consumers remember it. Quiz: Can You Guess the Brands Behind These 16 Slogans?
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Towing mirrors may seem like a no brainer, but there's more to it than meets the eye. Mirror installation can be cumbersome depending on which type you buy. Take this quiz to find out if your mirrors are up to par. By: Staff 4 Min Quiz Towi

Download Big Slogan Quiz and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. ‎Guess the brands with the first slogan quiz! If you like brands, advertising and marketing, this game is for you. Your goal is to guess which slogan belongs to one of three offered logos.

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Page 1. 4. Poster/slogan/quiz in Dept. of History from 3 rd. ‐4 th. March 2021.

May 3, 2011 Your taxes are done (hopefully!) and summer is just around the corner – so take a break and enjoy this entertaining branding slogan quiz! CAMPAIGN SLOGAN QUIZ. by K.C. Blau on February 21, 2016. Anti-FDR Campaign Slogan. There's no escaping it – it's the US Presidential election year.

Some of the most memorable slogans include"Have a break, have a Kit Kat," "Taste the Rainbow," "Because You're Worth It," "Imagination at Work," "The Few. The Proud, The Marines" and "It Keeps Going, and Going, and Going".

2017-08-15 2018-11-09 2021-02-09 With our Complete the Slogan quiz, you will be able to determine is a slogan has that true catchy nature or if it is just another one among all the other brand slogans. Mercedez – Benz Slogans.

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